IHStudentSuccess@gmail.com (720) 514-9906
Student Success Services FAQs
What is the age range of your clients?
I work with middle school, high school, and college students, as well as adults who are exploring going to college or graduating college and need support with their next steps. In addition to assisting students and their parents, I enjoy working with adults looking for clarity in their lives, such as in their careers or with life organization.
How do you determine what skills and habits you will focus on in each
The specific skill or habit we will work on during the session is contingent upon what’s going on for the student that week, what assignments might be due, and what the student’s specific needs are. For example, if an essay is due, we’ll prioritize, plan, organize, and manage time around that project. Then we’ll work on the specific components of writing, such as: We’ll
brainstorm topics, determine what the teacher is looking for, work on clarity in writing, hone word usage, and I’ll model successful editing strategies.
As another example, if the student is being asked to participate more during class, I’ll help the student to find out where and how hesitations might crop up. Depending on where their stress shows up, we might work on how to successfully ask questions and offer opinions, as well as how to best answer questions.
How often do you meet with the parent(s)?
Generally, I meet with a student’s
parent(s) for half an hour once a month. At that time, I will share with the parent(s) updates relating to the student’s work over the preceding weeks, and the parent(s) can share anything new in the student’s life that they would like me to be aware of. Sometimes, parents ask me to work with them individually for extended periods.
How long does the
process last?
The process with each client is highly
individualized, and thus, the length of time that I work with each client varies. I really believe in teaching skills and positive habits so clients gain the ability to fly on their own!

What are your thoughts on grades and other “measurements of success”?
In general, students and adults will live more “successful” lives when they have systems in place to help them navigate their lives. I feel that grades are only one measurement of success. Success can be measured in many different ways. For example, one student might have a difficult time getting assignments turned
in. Success for that student might be to turn assignments in on time consistently. For many students, success comes with increased motivation, self-esteem, and an improved attitude toward school. For other students, success can be the successful implementation of systems around time management and studying. I also believe in leaving room for blips and setbacks because they provide an opportunity for learning to improve things moving forward.

What does your interaction with teachers look like?
In one example, the student, parent, or I might have questions about what the teacher has assigned. If the teacher is open to it (and if I have approval), it’s helpful to reach out to the teacher (usually with the student) for feedback and clarification.
What is your mission and what are the overarching goals for the work you do with your clients?
My main mission for my work with clients is to help them live fulfilling lives. I enjoy helping people overcome their challenges to enjoy their lives and relationships. The following are some of the goals that feed this main mission:
Improve relationship to school and studying
Help students learn how to handle their lives independently
Hone positive life-long habits to help students live a more fulfilling life
Develop effective communication between students and parents
Help students find their gifts and strengths
Help students overcome hesitations to beginning tasks
Help students better understand themselves and their reactions
Encourage self-advocacy - I help students learn to communicate what is important to them
Help students understand how best to interact with different teachers
Foster a positive outlook and attitude
How often do you meet with the student and how long do sessions last?
Generally, I will meet with the student once a week for one hour. If requested, I can meet more often with students and for longer periods.
How do the services you provide expand on tutoring?
Tutoring only focuses on specific subject matters, such as history or algebra. While tutoring is one component of the work I do with students, I focus more broadly on the entire learning experience. Among the other activities that take place during sessions, we’ll always prioritize, plan, organize, manage time, and focus on stress reduction.
Are your services covered by insurance?
No, insurance does not reimburse for student success services.